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We help neurodivergent adults gain independence through meaningful careers in the insurance ecosystem.
Mike Eagan, The Independence Hub Founder
Neurodivergent adults are 20% of the population and quietly offer skills insurance depends on. Since neurodivergent adults suffer 80% under and unemployment, we think insurance employers should start recruiting neurodivergent brains for hard to fill jobs.
We bridge the gap, whatever it takes!
About 20% of the population is neurodivergent, meaning "not typical" in cognition and often behavior. As educators improve outcomes for neurodivergent students, we want to get them off their parent's couch when they graduate.
We know neurodivergent brains can excel in insurance!
For insurance, neurodiversity is not an entitlement program. Our insurance experts work with neurodiversity advocates to develop and deliver business cases for employing neurodivergent talent: